Vida Planner
The Vida Planner is one of PrintStick’s most complete digital planners. What sets it apart from others is the fact that besides the standard monthly and weekly pages, it also comes with several useful spreads, which are unique to each month. This makes navigation and organizing your extra pages a breeze.
This planner also features an area available to add widgets. This area is not too big as to make your pages feel empty if you don’t add anything there, but it is big enough to add widgets, notes, decoration and/or other elements at the bottom of the page.
Some of the spreads included in the Vida Planner are:
* Yearly calendar
* Yearly overview
* Monthly spreads
* Weekly spreads (with or without hours)
Spreads unique to each month:
* Dot grid paper
* Ruled paper
* Square grid paper
* All blank paper
* Week at a glance
* Timetable
* To Do Dashboard
* Health and Fitness
* Meal Planner
* Project Planner (2 projects)
* Budget / Expenses
* Tracker
Other spreads included (Duplicate and use as needed!)
* Notes
* Alternative Weeklies
* Accounts Info
* Project
* Schedule
* Gray Page (To keep white stickers!)
* Semester at a glance
* Directory
* Birthday
* Daily Spread
The Vida Planner is available in Monday, Sunday, or Hybrid start (Sunday start months and Monday start weeks). You can choose whether you want it dated or undated, and whether you want the weeks to be blank columns, or have it with an hourly schedule. You can also choose between 4 different colors.
Want to know more about the Vida Planner? Make sure to watch the latest overview video, you might even get a special discount!